Better Business Outcomes

DigX Solutions provides the relevant information executives need to grow their business. Evolving over 15 years and thousands of client engagements, the Business Navigation System (BNS) tightens timelines to results, minimizes decision risk and aligns an organization from top to bottom on the strategic transformations that move the business forward.

Shortened Sales Cycles & Increased Margin

Articulate Value Better


Tie Investment to Results


Make Every Sales Rep, Your Best Sales Rep

Reduced Initiative Risk

Investment Confidence


Solution Selection


Result Success

Organizational Alignment on Transformations

Strategic to Operational to Functional Metrics


Measure So You Can Manage


Keep Execution on Track

Informed Executive Decisions

Relevant Information


Disparate Data Unification


Cross Organization Visibility

Making the Right Decision is Hard

We live in a complex world and while we may have an unlimited number of ways to address a given situation, we usually only have the resources to do 1 or 2. Having quantified and relevant information can make the difference between meeting stake holder expectations or setting up a situation that destroys more value than it creates.

Key business decisions must often be made with limited time and resources. The scope and scale of acquisitions, mergers, and expansions and reductions of product lines and locations can be overwhelming given these constraints. This can lead to a reluctance to make a decision, or an “analysis paralysis” that works against an organization’s ability to achieve its strategic goals.

The DigX BNS is designed to bring rationality and efficiency to the decision making process. It equips you with the courage to act and discipline to succeed when navigating through the difficult waters of strategic challenges.


Concerned about a strategic imperative such as your cash flow?  Revenue, Profits and Costs all affect cash flow. The question for your executive team is which one is the biggest issue?  Normal accounting forms only tell part of the story.


Improving any of your key strategic metrics can help your organization but the cost and the ROI for addressing each metric will be completely different.  Understanding which fix results in the most consequential impact allows you to invest in the right solution.


Once you decide which path to focus on, what tactics do you use to produce change?  Understanding which corrective actions have which affect and which costs allows you to right size your investment to achieve your strategic goal.


Many strategic initiatives fail due to improper communication and an inability to manage the execution.  Functional metrics that tie to operational metrics which tie to strategic metrics allow the entire organization to understand the part they play and ensures everyone is rowing in unison.

Start Achieving Your Goals Today

Not every organization is ready for Industry 4.0.  And in many cases, with technology and customer requirements changing as quickly as they do, you have little idea where to go let alone how to get there.  Establishing clear and realistic expectations, building a plan from those goals and then managing to that plan will put your organization at the head of the pack.

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